
This application should be used as a dependency from other projects. Development has been made using poetry, so you should have it installed.
In case you really do not want to use poetry, you coul run test using pytest


While using poetry framework you could simply run

poetry run pytest

If you do not want to use poetry you can run

python3 -m pytest


If everything is right you should generate 1 single file syscall.nim using the default command line:


Some samples files are stored in examples-output so you can compare them with your results.


This project use mkdocs associated with lazydocs to auto-generate documentation.

  1. Write your Doc-String by using AutoDocString in VSCode
  2. Generate the project documentation using LazyDoc
export PYTHONPATH=$PWD; lazydocs --output-path="./docs/documentation" --overview-file="README.md" --src-base-url="https://github.com/x42en/sysplant/blob/master" sysplant/
  1. Serving local docs for preview using mkdocs
mkdocs serve